Protect Yourself Against Cervical Cancer
In the past, doctors and other healthcare professionals have relied on the Pap test to determine who is at risk for cervical cancer. A Pap test looks for abnormal cells in the cervix that are caused by HPV. If these abnormal cells are found early, they can be treated before they turn into cancer. Thanks to the Pap, the number of women who develop cervical cancer has decreased dramatically.
However, the Pap test is not foolproof, since it cannot detect HPV directly. When the Pap is done by itself, abnormal cells may be missed or may not be seen early enough to prevent cervical cancer.
An Additional HPV Test
Fortunately, you now can have another test along with your Pap that determines if you have HPV. Digene’s HPV test is the only test for HPV approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It uses advanced technology to detect the genetic (DNA) code of HPV.
If you are age 30 or over (when cervical cancer is most likely to occur), it’s recommended you have the HPV test along with a Pap to increase the ability of your doctor or nurse to protect you against cervical cancer. If you are under 30, he or she may order an HPV test if your Pap result is unclear or abnormal.
Make an Appointment Today
The first step to preventing cervical cancer is to make an appointment with a reputable gynecologist. Greenbrier Obstetrics & Gynecology PC offers a variety of gynecology services in Chesapeake, VA, and we can perform the Pap test and Digene’s HPV test to make sure you’re not at risk to develop cervical cancer.
To make an appointment, please contact us today.